The Rumjacks The Rumjacks - The Leaky Tub

Oh this Amsterdam O' bawdy southern climes
All awash in amber neon & sin
'll see yer guts for galluses, sixes for yer nine's
The cruelest place that I have ever been

Oh there's women here blow hot & icy cold
And they’ll fight like rotten gull's to pick yer cage
On the arms o' villains who'll see yer kidneys sold
They'll spare condition, sex nor age.

And I'll curse the day a thousand shades o' blue
When I swapped my Scottish Lion for a boxing kangaroo
And I'll have one for the Mary, for Rollin' Annie too
And one for the leaky tub that brought me here to you

She were cut from the rock by the rare old stock
Sent to hell in the devil's jewelry
In her crown of fire & twisted bloody wire
Tryin' to drive us all back into the sea

Where you took my hand & helped me understand
What it’s like without them shackles just a while
And we blazed our way around Blackwattle Bay
And danced along The Hungry Mile.

Iron'll rust & corn'll ripen
All the oceans’ll turn to steam
Whate'er'll pass and whatever'll happen
You’ll remain my lucid dream

Oh the winds'll roar & cities’ll crumble
All that steam'll fall as tears
And achin' hearts’ll sing along in chorus
Across all the miles and down the years